Organisations and Companies

ASAT recommends organisations to families, and occasionally liaises with them on behalf of the family, to assist the injured individual. If you are an organisation of any sort specialising in helping individuals with spinal injuries, contact us to list yourself in our support book.


Volunteering for ASAT is rewarding work. If you have some spare time on your hands and want to help with any aspect of ASAT’s day-to-day work (such as admin, liaising with companies and families, assisting with fundraising or writing proposals for the Retreat), click here to contact us. Be sure to include your name and contact details, as well as when you are available and what you would like to do.


Order your business cards through Springwood Printing at Faulconbridge, and they will donate $10 towards ASAT’s printing costs for every set of business cards purchased.
Visit their website now at or call them directly on 4751 6119 for more information.
Don’t forget, when you order your business cards, to ‘ask Warren to donate $10 to the ASAT printing fund’ – they won’t know that you’ve seen this offer if you don’t tell them!